Sunday, October 18, 2009

no idea

i don't know what has been going on with me lately, but for the past month or so it seems like i'll go a couple of days being happy and no problems, to putting my fist through a wall angry for a couple of days, then happy, rage, happy, rage. i mean i had to call jerry at midnight to help me calm down after that article i read about getting evicted for flying the american flag. he says it's just the final straw that broke my back ya know?! i don't know, i guess the more you pay attention to the fallout around you, the more it spikes your blood pressure. which i guess is why there is that saying "ignorance is bliss". yeah, i guess it was. but once you're educated, there is no going back.
someone at work asked me if i had kids and the answer was a quick, no doubt, hell no. and he thought i was kidding when i also added "and i don't want any either". see, for those of you who just adore children, i don't have that natural instinct to breed. point of fact even the thought makes me twitch in the sniper way. but even if i did have that pull, why would i want to bring a child into this world right now anyway? i mean seriously? ok, scenario, i have a kid in 2010, by 2018 it's up for graduating high school. prospects for a future: he has to speak at least 2 other languages besides english just to get a job even at the burger joint, he better be a minority, the next albert einstein, or i won the lottery before he'll be able to even think about college, if there is still a college here in this country that americans are allowed to go to. jobs, if he can even find one, will not be able to pay enough for the kid to ever pay for anything besides a pizza on the weekends, he'll have to walk or ride a bike or a bus to both school and job because he'll not be able to afford the gas or insurance or the car itself. and now the way things are going with this administration, he might as well defect from here and rush over to china if he wants to have a life, because i'll be in prison for murder and failing to buy health insurance. the latter is obvious, the murder has to do with the stupid dhr person who comes to my house to take away my kid because i disciplined him when he cussed me out and crapped in the floor because he wasn't getting some kind of positive attention or something you hear those stupid twits from the nanny shows saying.
i have some praying to do and some thinking to do. i need to knock out 3 newsletters in 2 weeks. while working and church and my hubby and my dad's birthdays this weekend and spending time with them both and tax class and another yard sale and dear lord. i'm going to bed.
god bless you all

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

boycott cowards and traitors

omg i'm in tears right now thinking about how many years i missed spending with my dad because he was in a foreign country or "out in the field" while he was in the u.s. army and what i just read makes me want to scream. an apartment building in oregon has the balls to tell their residents that they can't fly the american flag either in their apartment or even in their car or have bumper stickers with the american flag on it, if they break this rule they face eviction. first and foremost, to threaten people with losing their safety and shelter, you put fear in them, therefore you are a TERRORIST! and as such you should be handle as a TERRORITST! not to mention that is anti-american and since we are in a time of war, it is treasonous in its basic form. you should be arrested and imprisoned. if i were anyone near that area i would begin boycots, lawsuits, and if i were a resident, i'd move out, put holds on my rent checks, and take everyone with you at the same time. bankrupt their stupid asses.
but it just kills me to think that we as americans are so fucking scared to be americans. i'm sick of it. i'm sick of the way all these bleeding heart lets save the planet fucks are destroying the country which my father and my mother, who also was in the army, sacrificed for. while you try to find a new country in which to save while you bash the country in which you live. we can't save anyone else because we are refusing to save ourselves. you people disgust me. i feel so sorry for my parents who are still alive to witness this atrocity to our country. i feel so sorry for the men and women dying for this country because you assholes don't give a shit about them or this country.
so you know what? if you don't fucking love this country, GET THE FUCK OUT!!! WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE EITHER!

Friday, October 9, 2009

what a joke

so everyone wants to talk about the nobel peace prize awarded to the president of the united states. you know what, I DON'T CARE!!!! i'm sick of this man and what he's doing to our country. we are now the punchline in jokes around the world. since obama was elected, we've had more countries finally come out of the closet and prove to the world that they've had WMD all along. we were just too busy bashing bush to really look or pay attention. that we would rather slam a president for actually trying to do something about the dangers facing us because he wasn't very politically correct or it was your time of the month and he was the most popular target for the day. instead we want a pansy for a president because he gives great lip service? so now the rest of the world is starting to pull out their big guns because they know without a shadow of a doubt that obama will NOT do anything. he will sit around playing media whore and make sure his every action is politically correct while troops die by the thousands because he doesn't have the balls to take action and send our troops support, no matter who it pisses off. it's not like he has that many fans left in this country anyway. we're all broke, losing our homes, and starving in the streets, but wait for it, he wants to spend over a million taxpayer dollars to bid on the olympics for his home state because of why?? what kickbacks would he have been getting from this? and then when he loses the bid he wants to blame bush again for his own failures. oh yes because bush was the ring leader to the gang of teenagers who beat a poor boy to death on video in broad damn daylight! every failure obama has had, he blames bush. yes, because bush signed the stimulus package? bush is responsible for acorn? bush spent more months on trying to find the perfect dog for his family versus trying to save american jobs? hmmm, yeah, you know what? quit drinking the koolaid!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

R&R OCT '09

It's time for Halloween again. A time for fun, sugar overloads, Christmas shopping, and dressing your precious little daughters up like hookers. Yes you read correctly, I said hookers. For years now the trend in Halloween costumes has been to see how slutty a little kid's costume can be before it reaches the pornographic level and for years I've heard parents complain that the costumes are a little too “racy” or “adult”. Yet you still buy it. Why? Is it because that's all there is out there? Maybe because you don't want your child to feel left out of the party? Here's a thought, JUST SAY NO! I know, crazy idea. I recently went to a store where the costumes were already out for sale and I saw a harem costume for ages 4-7 and almost choked. Seriously?! The definition of harem is the term used to identify the women that are usually romantically involved with the husband of the household. They have no freedom of anything and no jobs other than to sexually satisfy the husband and give him sons. And this is what you're dressing your 4 year old up as all because it's Halloween?! Good job turning your widdle angel into a hoe. Then you want to blame society when your angel gets knocked up before she can legally drive a car and you can't possible begin to understand where she got these wild ways of hers?! Huh?! Enough already! First off you are a member of this society therefore you are to blame for the pimping of your little girls. Secondly you are responsible for these inappropriate costumes and clothing choices for children today because you continue to buy this stuff, and in turn the companies continue to make it. Ultimately it is your job to say no. Return morals and decency to our society and make these companies stop turning our children into wanna-be porn stars. It doesn't matter what Paris or Lindsay or Britney wears, they aren't your children. They are adults with their own money so they have the right to be as skanky as they want to be. However, you shouldn't let your children be that way. Babies are having babies all over this country because it's MTV and reality shows that teach your kids about sex, not you. So when their favorite actor or singer gets pregnant out of wedlock, they think it's cool because you've never told them it isn't. That it is a sin, it is wrong, and it will make their lives a lot harder than it ever needed to be. They will lose friends, family, opportunities, and respect. So quit complaining and do something. Start petitions that will force these costume companies to stop making vulgar outfits, boycott these costumes, make some costumes yourself. Or if you can’t, but know someone who can make costumes, pay them. I'm sure they could use an extra $20-$30, which is the price for even wal-mart's costumes. The most important thing is to talk to your kids. Our society is not as nice, sweet, and innocent as we like to pretend it is and parading your 8 year old around town as a catholic school girl or a naughty pirate wench is going to get them hurt. Or worse, make them think that their only value as a young woman is as a sex toy.

R&R SEPT '09

ok, so someone my hubby works with has suggested that i put my newsletter up on a website, which i tried, but i didn't like the way it turned out so i took it down. however, i think i should still post at the very least my rant and rave. just because i feel like it. maybe soon i'll get some geek friends of mine to help me with a real website and you can read the whole thing. but for now, you'll get the R&R.

SEPT. '09
I've been struggling over this for a few days, wondering what topic I should talk about. What should I say that would make you get up and shout and take some kind of action? Should I talk about athletes who get rewarded for being criminals? How bout me with three college degrees, can't find a job anywhere? I have a huge list of things I want to chew up and spit out, but through prayer and God's direction, I know exactly where I need to start.
It's been one of my biggest pet peeves for years. The cranky attitude of people coming from church. What ticked you off so much in the house of God that you have to take it out on me? This observance has come from years of working in the customer service industry, food or retail, which always required me to work on Sundays. I've noticed how ill people are coming through my store, snapping at kids or spouses, always being less patient and more demanding of employees. Sometimes just outright mean as a snake. What did I ever do to you? Why is it you have such a bad attitude on Sunday, but on Monday you're nice?
I finally figured it out. Now that I've been unemployed for the past two months, I've actually gotten a chance to go to church on a regular basis and it hit me. We as church going people spend a couple of hours, on one of our only days off, being told what bad Christians we are. We're being reprimanded by our Holy Father for being spoiled brats who take Him for granted and use Him when it's convenient for us. We tell God, literally to His face, that He is only good enough for a couple hours on Sunday and only in church. Because once you leave church, you leave God inside those four walls. You just can't seem to figure out where He fits in to your schedule of work, school, practice, salon, and “me” time, so you leave Him at church. He's also not very popular because He's not on Survivor or the Real Housewives or Lost. So really what is there to talk about with your friends or co-workers? I mean come on, it's not like He was out last night partying with Paris or Lindsey.
Now I will be the first to admit that I've done it to. I get so wrapped up in “me” that I forget that there wouldn't be a “me” without Him. I get caught up in the devil's games of what is popular or what the crowd is doing and become blinded to what God wants me to do. I am here in this world because God has a purpose for me. I'm here for Him, not for my nails, my hair, my outfit, or my t.v. I don't care what happened on last nights reality show, because last night I read my bible and prayed for forgiveness. I prayed to be a better person, to be a better servant, and I prayed for you.. Heck, I even prayed for the man that wouldn't hire me back at my old job.
Now, put down the cell phone, turn off American Idol, get off the Internet, and open your bible. Start anywhere, doesn't matter, just start reading. I don't care that it's not Sunday or you have an appointment or you made plans with friends. God certainly doesn't. Pray to be a lump of clay so that God may mold and shape you into the person you were meant to be in His eyes. You'll be surprised how silly it feels at first, but before you know it, you'll see the blessings and the miracles that surround us every second. You'll see and feel His Holy Spirit and rejoice.
Don't believe me? Think I'm crazy, a rebel, someone who needs a therapist? Guess what? There were some people in the bible that said the same thing about this weird guy named Jesus. Wanna know more? It's written in that book sitting on the shelf in your living room collecting dust.